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08-Aug-2022 jCross

August 8, 2022

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We crossed into Canada today over the Rainbow Bridge. I was expecting a hassle at the border but we scooted right through. If you are going to Canada you must make an application using ArriveCAN which works pretty well.

We headed up north to Niagara-on-the-Lake and spent most of the day there. There was a very good museum which we visited first. Then we went through a self imposed ATM fiasco which added quite a bit of walking to the day. One of the highlights of the visit was the Niagara Apothecary. It was established in about 1820 and is now preserved in its original format. There were lots of bottles and drawers for the items they would mix and dispense.

There was also an intricate balance that really caught my attention. That is today's photo. It is essentially a triple beam balance with dials that add weights in order to achieve balance. It was built by Galileo Sartorius in Milan. Sartorius is still s big name in weighing devices. I would have loved to stay and play.

We had a nice lunch at the Irish Harp then headed back to Niagara Falls. We went down to the falls and found the Canadian side view was much better than the American side.

Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max
1/60s f/1.6 at 5.1mm iso125 full exif

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