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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Travel and Places (44 Galleries) >> Oregon and Washington 2022 > Looking at the Ocean
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05-Jun-2022 Dan Greenberg

Looking at the Ocean

Cannon Beach, OR

And undoubtedly looking for photo possibilities.
Best viewed at original size.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Tom LeRoy13-Aug-2022 18:50
The monochrome makes this a real standout. Great shot of our friends, Dan. V
Allan Jay11-Aug-2022 19:37
Striking composition. Wonderful to see
this duo!
Walter Otto Koenig04-Aug-2022 14:57
Very nice double portrait Dan. Looks great with these tones. "V"
Marcia Rules04-Aug-2022 13:43
Wow, this is awesome!
Graeme04-Aug-2022 12:38
An excellent portrait of them both, Dan.BV!
pkocinski04-Aug-2022 11:48
Their expressions could say so much...
Philip P04-Aug-2022 09:36
A beautiful portrait!
Gill Kopy04-Aug-2022 05:57
What a great portrait of these two pals - looks like serious considerations to be made :) V
lroz04-Aug-2022 05:05
Excellent b and w portrait! They seem fascinated by what they see!
Arnie Peterschmidt04-Aug-2022 04:16
Serious contemplation for sure, great job looking in another direction to see what other opportunities may be present.
Charlene Ambrose04-Aug-2022 04:15
Such serious concentration that they didn't even notice you!
joseantonio04-Aug-2022 03:30
very nice portrait.V.
Nick Paoni04-Aug-2022 02:50
Love the expressions of this sharp shooting duo.
LynnH04-Aug-2022 02:07
Yes... scoping photo ops for sure. Very nice profile portraits. V
Dennis Hoyne04-Aug-2022 01:26
They do appear to be serious, a couple of great profiles.
Julie Oldfield04-Aug-2022 00:34
Really great shot! Love the wind blowing. V
globalgadabout04-Aug-2022 00:11
definitely in scan mode, with faces to the wind., and completely unaware of your shot...this one is exceptional Dan...V
Don Mottershead03-Aug-2022 23:44
Exceptional portrait. V
Neil Marcus03-Aug-2022 23:32
Wow! this is very good, Dan.
Bill Klein03-Aug-2022 22:18
Outstanding portrait, Dan! BV!
Hank Vander Velde03-Aug-2022 21:36
Excellent portrait Dan. They look pretty serious.