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LynnH | all galleries >> ALL OF GOD'S CRITTERS >> BIRDS > Snowy Egret
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19-Jul-2022 Lynn H

Snowy Egret

Seadrift, Texas

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield25-Jul-2022 01:46
A nice capture of this popular place. V
Nick Paoni23-Jul-2022 21:58
Looks like a popular perch for the locals.
globalgadabout23-Jul-2022 19:26
quite the varied clientele at the marine rest focus on the egret that sands out well..
Walter Otto Koenig23-Jul-2022 17:58
Nice perspective with this long focal length. "V"
Helen Betts23-Jul-2022 16:14
Great shot of the egret and all his friends. V.
Mairéad23-Jul-2022 15:57
Nice composition with the posts.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography23-Jul-2022 15:53
This is very nice capture, Vote.
Marcia Rules23-Jul-2022 15:02
I can sense the gentle movement of the sea. Beautiful!
joseantonio23-Jul-2022 13:24
nice perspective with this low angle.V.