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LynnH | all galleries >> ALL OF GOD'S CRITTERS >> BIRDS > Egyptians
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15-Jun-2022 Lynn H


Sugar Land, Texas

Driveby shot with my phone.
These Egyptian geese thought I might have some food. The juveniles have learned to run along side the car.
Earlier, they were in the street doing this!
Although they are not native to Texas, they are not perceived as a pest. "The territorial nature of Egyptian geese may actually deter colonization
of other species of non-native waterfowl such as giant Canadian geese prone to population explosions in more northerly states. Moreover, Egyptian geese
seem to be living in harmony with a variety of smaller pond ducks, both wild and domestic."
~ Dan Brooks, curator of vertebrate zoology at the Houston Museum of Natural Science ~

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motorola moto g stylus 5G
1/452s f/1.7 at 4.7mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Dan Greenberg31-Jul-2022 18:57
Very cool! I have never seen or heard of these before, let alone seeing them in the US. Great information too. ~BV~
Ray :)31-Jul-2022 16:26
We have Egyptian Geese here too, but more often seen in semi-manicured places rather than out in the wilds.
Julie Oldfield30-Jul-2022 17:13
Love how you got them mid stride. They are pretty. V
Dennis Hoyne30-Jul-2022 04:21
A beautiful image, so peaceful and pleasant.
Charlene Ambrose30-Jul-2022 00:42
Are you allowed to bring them food? It sounds like they know where to look for the food! A great shot in this pretty setting. V
larose forest photos29-Jul-2022 20:05
They are so beautiful. This is a fabulous shot. V
Helen Betts29-Jul-2022 19:24
Great shot of this large gathering, and such interesting looking geese. V.
globalgadabout29-Jul-2022 18:57
an excellent shot, and you caught them in full action...with there long stride they don't exactly walk like an Egyptian..
joseantonio29-Jul-2022 18:20
lovely and pleasant scene.V.