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Lloret de Mar (La Selva)

Casa de la Vila (Town Hall)
The City Hall building, a beautiful neoclassical building dating from 1872, stands at the start of the pedestrian street of Mossen Jacint Verdaguer. The building was designed by architects Marí Sureda and Felix de Azua. The facade features the shield of Spain, the King Amadeo of Savoy, and the shield of Lloret. The entire exterior was decorated with terracotta pottery made by Arpi Pau Galí, there's a beautifully-designed wrought iron bell tower with a clock installed by Isidre Bofill.

Canon EOS 70D
1/320s f/16.0 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
KAI-WING LEUNG14-May-2022 03:08
Very nice image of the beautiful building! V
Julie Oldfield14-May-2022 01:22
Nicely composed. Great shadows.
André Rivard14-May-2022 00:25
Fabienne13-May-2022 20:33
C’est une belle maison et le ciel bleu lui offre un joli contraste de couleurs.
Johnny JAG13-May-2022 20:11
Great architecture against a wonderful blue sky and long shadows
Walter Otto Koenig13-May-2022 19:34
Nice shot of this impressive building. I like the shadows in the foreground. "V"
Helen Betts13-May-2022 18:35
Great capture of this beautiful building. I like the shadows, too. V.
Colin Storey13-May-2022 18:25
Great image with this light and shadows.
Hank Vander Velde13-May-2022 17:32
A well composed image Jose.
Dave Berry13-May-2022 16:31
The colorful accents really make this old building. Great catch, Jose. V
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