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27-Oct-2021 jCross

October 27, 2021

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Definitely one of those bucket list items. We flew to Abu Simbel to view the Temple of Abu Simbel which as built by the great Ramses the second to pay homage to himself, of course. This whole monument was moved to this location because the Aswan Dam, constructed starting from 1960, would have buried it under Lake Nasser. I remember hearing about the dam construction in grade school. It is really quite an awesome sight. Lots of carvings well preserved on the interior.

Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max
1/4500s f/1.6 at 5.1mm iso32 full exif

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Gordon W01-Nov-2021 20:09
Wow, John! You really traveled far afield for this one. Good for you guys. I assume you didn't fly your plane there.