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16-May-2021 Cedida por Yolanda Alcalde

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Jean Chiasson06-Nov-2022 12:21
Beautiful portrait and tones Paco V
Guest 07-Oct-2022 15:26
Wow! V
Rob Oele07-Oct-2022 15:26
Wow! V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography03-Jun-2021 01:18
This is excellent, superb post-processing work, Voted.
Guest 02-Jun-2021 15:12
Buen retrato y buen b&w V
Michaval02-Jun-2021 15:12
Buen retrato y buen b&w V
Raymond Ma25-May-2021 00:46
An exotic sepia encounter! vVv
Fong Lam17-May-2021 03:23
Beautiful portrait with fabulous light and tones....V
Apostolos Tikopoulos16-May-2021 19:43
Excellent portrait in b&w. V.
bill friedlander16-May-2021 15:45
Wonderful light and tones for a romantic encounter. V
Nestor Derkach16-May-2021 13:26
The light is soft and very inviting a very romantic portrait nice monochrome feel and excellent viewing in the white border frame.
John Hamers16-May-2021 09:15
Great portrait V!
Tom LeRoy16-May-2021 07:40
Great atmosphere and ambience. Excellent shot in monochrome! V
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