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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED AF-S DX Zoom

Nikkor 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED AF-S DX Zoom Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 09-Aug-2006
Lens: 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6
Random Nikkor 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED AF-S DX Zoom Samples from 8405 available Photos more
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James Clarke06-May-2009 21:51
Almost a perfect kit lens, if only Nikon had put a metal mount on it, I'm already having problems with it losing contact (always happens for me with plastic mount longish lenses). Come on Nikon spend a few dollars extra on some metal and then we'll have a lens that will last.
Guest 27-Dec-2008 19:25
I got this lens with my D80 and I still using them. I took thousands of great photos with this lens. I can really recommend it to anyone !

See my gallery:
Guest 20-Aug-2008 02:48
To be sure, there is some chromatic aberration near the edges, but overall, a high-quality lens. I have trimmed some of the aberration in pre-production but needed to only in a couple of my higher-contrast images. Many images with this lens in my website.
Guest 20-Aug-2008 02:48
To be sure, there is some chromatic aberration near the edges, but overall, a high-quality lens. I have trimmed some of the aberration in pre-production but needed to only in a couple of my higher-contrast images. Many images with this lens here.
Masterchief28-Oct-2007 23:43
I`ve had all the kit lenses and if anyone doesn`t find the 18-135 to be the sharpest of them all, they have to be blind. Check out Photozone , a respected lens review site.
Guest 04-Oct-2007 00:14
I am becoming lees and less pleased with my 18-135. I am seeing chromatic aberations in my images (look at he lower left corner of this image in it's original size This lens also flares and ghosts very badly when aimed anywhere near the sun. It's plenty sharp, but I wish I'd gone a different route. I generally only shoot his lens at 18 to about 30 mm.
Pablo Yáñez07-Aug-2007 03:16
I would disagree with the comments above. I think that this is the best "kit" lens for any of the sub $1,200 dSLR packages out there. I bought a Nikon D80 for the express reason of using it with this lens and was VERY satisfied with this lens. Sharp, great range and nice movement. Did not stick with Nikon, but I miss this lens a LOT (are you listening Canon).

Lots of samples in this gallery:
Pablo Yáñez07-Aug-2007 03:15
I would disagree with the comments above. I think that this is the best "kit" lens for any of the sub $1,200 dSLR packages out there. I bought a Nikon D80 for the express reason of using it with this lens and was VERY satisfied with this lens. Sharp, great range and nice movement. Did not stick with Nikon, but I miss this lens a LOT (are you listening Canon).

Lots of samples in this gallery:
Pablo Yáñez07-Aug-2007 03:15
I would disagree with the comments above. I think that this is the best "kit" lens for any of the sub $1,200 dSLR packages out there. I bought a Nikon D80 for the express reason of using it with this lens and was VERY satisfied with this lens. Sharp, great range and nice movement. Did not stick with Nikon, but I miss this lens a LOT (are you listening Canon).

Lots of samples in this gallery:
Pablo Yáñez07-Aug-2007 03:15
I would disagree with the comments above. I think that this is the best "kit" lens for any of the sub $1,200 dSLR packages out there. I bought a Nikon D80 for the express reason of using it with this lens and was VERY satisfied with this lens. Sharp, great range and nice movement. Did not stick with Nikon, but I miss this lens a LOT (are you listening Canon).

Lots of samples in this gallery:
Guest 04-Aug-2007 23:21
Hmmm... I'm not crazy - it was just a script bug. Better somebody can delete it
Guest 22-May-2007 11:44
you would say that rather a lot of times too Dmitry. I think this is a great lens, having had both the 18-70 and the 18-135. offers much more range. I find it sharper but it a bit more subject to vignetting. all these pics were taken with the 18-135 and all the ones of the lady with dark hair here
Guest 09-May-2007 19:47
I would better say not sharp, but harsh... 18-70mm is much better in details.
Guest 09-May-2007 19:47
I would better say not sharp, but harsh... 18-70mm is much better in details.
Guest 09-May-2007 19:47
I would better say not sharp, but harsh... 18-70mm is much better in details.
Guest 09-May-2007 19:47
I would better say not sharp, but harsh... 18-70mm is much better in details.
Guest 09-May-2007 19:47
I would better say not sharp, but harsh... 18-70mm is much better in details.
Guest 09-May-2007 19:47
I would better say not sharp, but harsh... 18-70mm is much better in details.
Guest 09-May-2007 19:47
I would better say not sharp, but harsh... 18-70mm is much better in details.
Guest 09-May-2007 19:46
I would better say not sharp, but harsh... 18-70mm is much better in details.
Guest 25-Mar-2007 15:25
so sharp! [img[img]
Jayson Gomes15-Jan-2007 21:38
The Nikkor 18-135mm continues to exceed my expectations. Here is a gallery of Köln (Cologne), Germany taken with the D80 w/ 18-135mm lens:
Jayson Gomes16-Dec-2006 05:11
I think the 18-135mm lens is the best kit lens on the market for this price point. You can find my first 18-135mm gallery here:
Jayson Gomes13-Nov-2006 02:39
I bought this lens as a kit with my D80 and have been pleased so far. Here is a photo I have taken with the lens:
Debbie Stahre20-Sep-2006 10:16
Versatile lens and very enjoyable to use on the new D80.

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