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Pierre | all galleries >> Galleries >> Oiseaux - Birds > Tarin des pins / Pine Siskin (Spinus pinus)
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29-Oct-2020 Pierre Photographie

Tarin des pins / Pine Siskin (Spinus pinus)

Canon EOS 80D
1/640s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Allan Jay17-Jan-2021 18:46
Stunning portrait!
Nirvan Hope13-Jan-2021 01:27
Such a beautiful image of this little pine siskin.
Apostolos Tikopoulos12-Jan-2021 18:25
Excellent details and sharpness. V.
Blandine Mangin12-Jan-2021 16:30
jolie prise ! v
Tom Munson12-Jan-2021 16:25
Tack sharp capture of this beautiful Siskin.
John Hamers12-Jan-2021 12:34
Fantastic details in this excellent capture of this siskin. !V
Fong Lam12-Jan-2021 12:09
Beautiful capture of this cute little bird with sharp details and smooth bokeh...V
Pierre Martin12-Jan-2021 10:36
superbe cette prise tout autant que la netteté!
marie-jose wolff12-Jan-2021 09:52
magnifique, ce petit oiseau, de beaux détails! V
Gill Kopy12-Jan-2021 03:48
Another of my favourite birds - so beautifully captured V
Nick Paoni12-Jan-2021 03:08
The excellent detail really ups the impact of this portrait.
francoisconstantin11-Jan-2021 21:08
Superbe netteté et tout en détails pour admirer son joli plumage!!!
Excellent fond qui le met en valeur.
larose forest photos11-Jan-2021 19:56
Fantastic tack sharp image, that dash of yellow on the siskin really stands out in this gorgeous shot. VV
Colin Storey11-Jan-2021 19:31
Great sharp image of this beautiful bird.
Walter Otto Koenig11-Jan-2021 16:56
Wonderful detail and markings. So nice with the catch lgiht and this smooth bokeh. "V"
Nestor Derkach11-Jan-2021 16:17
A great Pine Siskin perched portrait excellent composition and resolution excellent with supreme bokeh.
Carl Carbone11-Jan-2021 15:51
Beautiful capture!
Hank Vander Velde11-Jan-2021 15:49
Excellent tack sharp image Pierre.
Jeff Real11-Jan-2021 15:09
This is as great as it gets!
Beauty and perfection that is remarkable!
danad11-Jan-2021 14:51
Magnifique ! Très bonne définition de l'image...V.
Helen Betts11-Jan-2021 14:38
The detail is simply superb in this beautiful capture. V.
Isabel Cutler11-Jan-2021 14:37
Beautiful photo of the Siskin showing the yellow feathers that help me identify it. V.
hayl11-Jan-2021 14:31
Terrific sharp photo of this little bird.
joseantonio11-Jan-2021 14:17
looks so lovely.V.
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