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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Movie - Song - Poem - Book Titles > Cracker Jack, by Dolly Pardon
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25-Jun-2020 Carol J Phipps

Cracker Jack, by Dolly Pardon

Cracker Jack
The best friend that I ever had was Cracker Jack
But he was more then that
A play mate, a companion
He was love and understanding
That was Cracker Jack
The best friend that I ever had was Cracker Jack
But he was more than that
Everything a kid could want
I had in Cracker Jack

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Jola Dziubinska17-Jun-2019 14:17
Oh, and I guess you know I love Dolly :)
Jola Dziubinska17-Jun-2019 14:16
A fab portrait. V.
Dennis Hoyne08-Jun-2019 03:00
I love dog portraits, this one is especially nice, he looks so sweet!
larose forest photos06-Jun-2019 01:40
I love that beautiful face and everything Dolly says in her song is so true of dogs! Gorgeous shot. V
Karen Stuebing05-Jun-2019 19:50
What an adorable dog! Love the warm light on his russet fur and highlighting his pretty eyes. V.
Helen Betts05-Jun-2019 12:59
Such an adorable capture!
laine05-Jun-2019 12:11
This is perfect for the song title, Carol. He has a great smile.
Graeme05-Jun-2019 09:50
A lovely portrait of this happy dog and words to match, Carol.V
Liz Bickel05-Jun-2019 06:22
Oh, this is so pretty. Wonderful expression!!! This photo really reflects the essence of Dolly Pardon's song.
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