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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Movie - Song - Poem - Book Titles > The Five Love Languages
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June 1, 2019 Carol J Phipps

The Five Love Languages

Book: The 5 Love Languages
of Children: The Secret to
Loving Children Effectively

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Neil Marcus04-Aug-2019 15:25
Joyous expressions and poses. There is an extemporaneous feeling which extends to the casual quality of the image which fits so well. "Big Vote"
Frank Gines23-Jun-2019 00:19
A beautiful shot well captured with such a great moment! .V
Jeff Real10-Jun-2019 13:46
What a beautiful moment!
Dennis Hoyne04-Jun-2019 23:48
What a neat candid!
Gill Kopy04-Jun-2019 03:24
Love this happy shot V
fotabug03-Jun-2019 17:18
The love is evident!
laine03-Jun-2019 02:50
Perfectly captured, Carol. V
larose forest photos03-Jun-2019 02:10
This is such a wonderful shot, made more memorable for the sepia tones. BV
Graeme02-Jun-2019 23:51
I love the tones of this family scene, Carol.V
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