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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Movie - Song - Poem - Book Titles > Pink Rose
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June 1, 2019 Carol J Phipps

Pink Rose

A thorn defends the rose,
harming only those who
would steal the blossom.

Chinese Proverb

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Jola Dziubinska17-Jun-2019 14:15
A stunning image, Carol, I like the proverb too. V.
Graeme10-Jun-2019 10:24
This is a very beautiful pink rose and so well captured, Carol.V
1moremile10-Jun-2019 00:58
I like the colors and dof. Very nicely done. V.
Isabel Cutler09-Jun-2019 22:11
Lovely soft treatment.
Karen Stuebing09-Jun-2019 18:49
Fantastic composition and focus on these pretty flowers. Love the colors and depth of field. Beautifully captured. V.
Tom Munson09-Jun-2019 17:23
Beautiful colors and framing. Great work.
Marcia Colelli09-Jun-2019 16:57
Very beautiful, soft and delicate. Lovely. V
laine09-Jun-2019 09:13
A real charmer, Carol. V
Ursula Miller09-Jun-2019 05:36
Excellent shot of this perfect looking pink rose! V
larose forest photos09-Jun-2019 02:05
I very much like the proverb; your accompanying shot is stunning. V
Liz Bickel09-Jun-2019 01:52
How pretty. Very nicely composed and shot.
Dennis Hoyne09-Jun-2019 01:25
A fabulous composition, Carol!
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