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04-Apr-2019 jCross

April 4, 2019


After all the hoopla yesterday with the break in flight, it was time to really clean the airplane. Yesterday I washed the airplane (Bloke would no be caught dead testing a dirty airplane). My initial intention was to wax the whole thing. I did some testing to see whether to wax it or just clean and buff it well. In the end, the latter would suffice. So I set about the task. It is very time consuming and there are a hell of a lot of square feet of surface on an airplane. In the end, I finished to fuselage except for the belly and decided to call it good. Now I have something to do each time I go out to the airport.

Canon PowerShot G15
1/125s f/3.2 at 6.1mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)17-Apr-2019 16:32
Excellent! BV
John Cooper08-Apr-2019 22:16
I hate washing and buffing my van.
The only thing I don't like about it.