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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro) | all galleries >> Galleries >> "A tale from the orient" (©) > Kath
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Best viewed at "original size"

Nikon D3S ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/125s f/11.0 at 70.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jacob Padrul20-Feb-2019 02:36
Sweet! Again, I envy this teddy bear. I think he enjoys being hugged by this lovely young woman
Jean-Francois04-Jan-2019 19:59
Beautiful work ! Nicely done !
Dave Petersen Photography28-Dec-2018 16:00
One of my favorites in this excellent series. The framing really adds to this beautiful and warm composition Paolo. VV++
Anna & Christian RECK26-Dec-2018 16:37
Lovely portrait of this "sweet couple"!! BV. Anna
Raymond24-Dec-2018 18:52
Priceless, beautiful
Zoltán Balogh24-Dec-2018 13:34
They're both lovely. :) V
Pierre Martin22-Dec-2018 20:27
and happy teddy bear and model, beautiful portrait!
Geoff Hopkinson22-Dec-2018 20:03
Warm and appealing shot Paolo V
Tom Munson22-Dec-2018 18:50
Sweet capture, Paolo.
Jim Coffman22-Dec-2018 17:26
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