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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > October 23
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October 23

Nikon D850 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/100s f/8.0 at 48.0mm iso800 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ken Zaret03-Feb-2019 20:15
Beautiful shot Walter, I love the flow.
Zoltán Balogh04-Nov-2018 15:23
What a great, stunning photograph. V
Julie Oldfield27-Oct-2018 14:26
Reminds me of veins. Truly fascinating. V
Ton T.25-Oct-2018 17:30
Intriguing and a bit creepy! Wonderful find and shot Walter! V
carol j. phipps25-Oct-2018 02:18
Masterpiece! V
Dennis Hoyne25-Oct-2018 00:29
Wonderful shapes, so nicely composed! V
Graeme24-Oct-2018 22:23
I love all the shapes of these tree roots and the topaz treatment.V
John Vass24-Oct-2018 20:59
Love how you did this - Straight forward and well framed! V
globalgadabout24-Oct-2018 13:49
like a mini mountain range....lovely sinuous shapes, and the leaves add such a dash of colours..
1moremile24-Oct-2018 13:10
Cool composition. V.
Frank Tran24-Oct-2018 13:04
Wow! V+
Range View 24-Oct-2018 09:58
Amazing image of this entanglement of tree roots Walter.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal24-Oct-2018 06:56
Well seen and well captured Walter. V
fdt24-Oct-2018 06:36
Beautiful image.
Charlene Ambrose24-Oct-2018 04:40
Great shot - love the texture. V
fotabug24-Oct-2018 04:28
Remarkable! V
John24-Oct-2018 04:24
I like this a lot. Beautiful shot. V
joseantonio24-Oct-2018 03:27
looks like a huge tree.V.
Carl Carbone24-Oct-2018 02:56
Great find and shot!
Nirvan Hope24-Oct-2018 02:53
Much beauty in the flowing shapes of these buttress roots.
larose forest photos24-Oct-2018 02:01
Wow, what a stunning capture of the tree roots, like something out of Lord of the Rings. Love this shot. V
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