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Carol How | all galleries >> Galleries >> South Surrey and White Rock, British Columbia > Looming Storm Clouds
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11-OCT-2017 Carol How

Looming Storm Clouds

White Rock, BC

I was going to post a few of my recent images from a Hawaii vacation, but this morning got startled awake by a tremendous hail storm complete with thunder and lightning which lasted for over 45 minutes and was very localized to our area only. Hail, lightning and thunder storms are unusually rare right here and so it was an oddity that one would happen in October and last so long. My head was on the big thunderheads floating down at the beach so I went down to take a few photographs.

Nikon D850 ,Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 2/35 ZF
1/200s f/11.0 at 35.0mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Patricia Kay30-Jan-2018 18:52
Absolutely gorgeous those fluffy clouds...BV
cobler22-Jan-2018 12:57
This scape has everything.... Sky, water and land....Magnifique......V
Jeff Real26-Oct-2017 22:51
It is such a pleasure to see this beautiful seascape.
So perfect!
Your work is a treasure!
Walter Otto Koenig12-Oct-2017 14:52
Wonderful perspective over the water to those beautiful clouds. I like the tones and clarity. "V"
Jim Coffman12-Oct-2017 13:25
Wow, so beautiful!! I see you now have a new Nikon 850!! Lucky you!!
Marcia Rules12-Oct-2017 13:03
This would startle me too... Wonderful potency Carol..... Bv
Blandine Mangin12-Oct-2017 11:06
beautiful sky ! v
Neil Marcus12-Oct-2017 07:41
An exciting happening and you recorded so well. "VV"
Dan Greenberg12-Oct-2017 06:02
The clouds and shorelines are incredible. They have a bright and cheery presence.Very nicely done, Carol. ~BV~
Helen Betts12-Oct-2017 06:00
Wow, beautiful capture with those dramatic clouds. V.
globalgadabout12-Oct-2017 05:36
those clouds do look loaded, and so immediate in your well articulated image....up here in town there was rain yet no hail...seems you had an exciting morning...
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