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Helen Betts | all galleries >> Rediscovering Home >> Rediscovering Home: Washington, D.C. >> Rolling Thunder: Remembering the Fallen > From the South
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From the South

Sunday was the Rolling Thunder parade, which takes place every Memorial Day weekend. Thousands of motorcyclists from around the country ride in the nation’s capital, continuing their 30-year tradition to make sure that the nation’s fallen haven’t been forgotten.

I'm guessing they're from the South since there was a Confederate flag or something behind the woman.

Handshake, posted earlier:

Nikon D810 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/400s f/8.0 at 48.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
veraferia09-Jun-2017 14:15
Great shot with the flag open! V
Martin Lamoon03-Jun-2017 20:56
Must have been an amazing sight .
Suzanne Lanthier03-Jun-2017 17:48
The rain does not seem to stop these motorcyclists ! Likewise for the photographer ! Good show Helen !