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John Ewing | all galleries >> Galleries >> Once in a while > Sauver ou Périr
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Sauver ou Périr

Brigade de Haguenau en action rue Maréchal Joffre, Haguenau

Sony Cyber-shot RX100
1/1600s f/4.9 at 37.1mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Laura Milholland20-Aug-2016 20:38
Poor little thing! And an amazing catch on your part! ;)
Paul Milholland20-Aug-2016 02:16
So, it's not just trees firemen have to rescue kittens from. . . . ;-)
fotabug19-Aug-2016 02:49
Hey, that is a great catch for you and the fire brigade!
Jack Hoying19-Aug-2016 02:46
Nice of them to help
Ed Duverger18-Aug-2016 19:57
A good job.
Steve Thuman16-Aug-2016 19:07
Good save!