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Sam Rua | all galleries >> Business Travel >> Spain > City of Arts and Sciences
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09 April 2016 Sam Rua

City of Arts and Sciences

Valencia, Spain

Under the stairway to the upper level of the Príncipe Felipe Science Museum.

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Dan Greenberg01-Aug-2016 13:28
Definitely cool as a fisheye. I feel like I am looking at it through a periscope. ~BV~
Helen Betts29-Jul-2016 23:22
Such a creative capture of this marvelous architecture.
Phil Orgeron29-Jul-2016 17:17
Very cool result with the 8-15! V
Walter Otto Koenig29-Jul-2016 16:01
Good use of the round fisheye Sam. Very cool image. "V"
Jess. ( Lady.D.)29-Jul-2016 14:58
Love that fisheye lens Sam, super shot.
danad29-Jul-2016 14:39
Great work with the fisheye ! V.
globalgadabout29-Jul-2016 14:31
wizard how the main view of the distant scene is shaped like an eye..
Stephanie29-Jul-2016 14:11
This is sooooooo cool! V
Zeeby29-Jul-2016 07:10
Brilliant work. V
Bryan Murahashi29-Jul-2016 05:17
Fabulous use of the fisheye, Sam. V
joseantonio29-Jul-2016 04:11
a very nice and creative composition wit the fish-eye....V.
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