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Sam Rua | all galleries >> Business Travel >> Spain > Barcelona Olympic Park
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08 April 2016 Sam Rua

Barcelona Olympic Park

Barcelona, Spain

A different perspective on the Calatrava Radio Tower.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dan Greenberg01-Aug-2016 13:30
Cool contrast in shapes with all the normal columns shown with the unique radio tower. ~BV~
Allan Jay29-Jul-2016 00:09
Excellent light & shadows, Sam!
Photo.Keely28-Jul-2016 16:42
Nice capture! Well done! V.
globalgadabout28-Jul-2016 14:44
strong POV with the marked vertical thrust...certainly a noteworthy tower..
Neil Marcus28-Jul-2016 12:59
It is a fascinating piece of practical art.
Helen Betts28-Jul-2016 12:17
Such an unusual structure, and well composed with those pillars in view.
joseantonio28-Jul-2016 12:10
nicely framed with the columns..V
Raymond28-Jul-2016 11:34
Martin Lamoon28-Jul-2016 08:25
It looks amazing from this point.
fotabug28-Jul-2016 05:38
Amazing structure!
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