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Helen Betts | all galleries >> Rediscovering Home >> Rediscovering Home: Washington, D.C. >> 'She Who Tells a Story - Women Photographers from Iran and the Arab World' > 'Nil, Nil #10'
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'Nil, Nil #10'

“Nil, Nil #10” by Shadi Ghadirian of Tehran “presents a hand grenade in the middle of a fruit bowl; the objects in the bowl, associated with warfare and nourishment, are equated by size.”

Unfortunately there were lots of reflections in almost all the pictures, which made them difficult to photograph, although non-flash photography was encouraged by the museum.

‘Nil, Nil #11,’ posted earlier:

Nikon D810 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/80s f/4.5 at 26.0mm iso5000 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Gervan31-Jul-2016 07:38
Great imagination. V.
Nora van Beek29-Jul-2016 13:48
Excellent image continuing the theme of violence being the part of everyday life. Chilling. V
Gill Kopy27-Jul-2016 00:33
One really gets the message of living with violence here !! V
Colin Storey26-Jul-2016 20:20
Great image of this interesting and topical art.
bill friedlander26-Jul-2016 19:29
A lovely still life with an unnerving aspect. V
Milan Vogrin26-Jul-2016 19:26
Nice work!V!
David Lewins26-Jul-2016 19:07
Certainly speaks volumes....what every household should have in their fruit bowl!
joseantonio26-Jul-2016 18:48
sad to see this with the fruits.V
Jim Coffman26-Jul-2016 18:37
It is a sad commentary to see this as art even though we can all relate to it...
globalgadabout26-Jul-2016 18:36
wow...fresh fruit with explosive flavours...intriguing juxtaposition...