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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Travel and Places (43 Galleries) >> Southwest Exploration 2015 > Bryce Late Morning
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Bryce Late Morning

Bryce Canyon National Park, UT

Best viewed at original size.

Nikon D750 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/640s f/11.0 at 24.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Long Bach Nguyen25-Apr-2016 05:36
great shot love the light and exposure
Claude Gagnon13-Feb-2016 01:46
Beautiful shot of this amazing landscape :))
Patricia Kay10-Feb-2016 11:25
Wonderful light on this beautiful scene Dan...BV
Pete Hemington09-Feb-2016 22:58
excellent work - great light
Gary Hudes09-Feb-2016 14:43
Wonderful, detailed capture of this rock formation! V.
Patrick Goossens09-Feb-2016 14:31
A magnificent view with very vivid colors. I love those snow covered pieces of rock in the distance .
Helen Betts09-Feb-2016 08:23
Excellent capture of these impressive formations, shown in fine detail. V.
Carol How09-Feb-2016 07:12
Absolutely wonderful depth, tone and detail! V
Darrel Giesbrecht 09-Feb-2016 06:01
an imposing beaut Dan!
globalgadabout09-Feb-2016 05:56
this well-weathered sandstone suggests a sense of majesty..