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janescottcumming | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fenway, A Loving Look Back > Family is Best
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07-SEP-2008 Jane Cumming

Family is Best

Even though Fenway loved being with Hannah it was always his sister Scout he was closest to.

Nikon D60
1/1000s f/4.0 at 55.0mm iso180 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
hamery13-Sep-2015 12:07
Great capture of these lovely dogs, Jane ! I love them all !!! BV
pkocinski11-Sep-2015 14:34
Ken Chambers ARPS10-Sep-2015 20:12
Superb picture Jane
Helen Betts10-Sep-2015 20:02
A wonderful group capture, Jane. V.
Jim Coffman10-Sep-2015 19:59
Just fantastic,Jane!!!
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