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Eostiged Ar Stangala.

Festival de Cornouaille. Quimper.

Le cercle de danse le plus célèbre de Bretagne créé à Quimper en 1948 et qui a effectué des tournées en Amérique du nord (U.S.A., Canada et Mexique), en Asie (Inde et Corée du Sud) et bien sûr à travers toute l’Europe.
Le cercle est membre fondateur de Kendalc'h (*), dont il a gagné à treize reprises le championnat de danse, ce qui en fait l'ensemble le plus titré de Bretagne.
(*) Kendalc'h (en breton, littéralement « maintien » ou continuité), est une confédération de cercles celtiques constituée fin 1950 à Quimper. Kendalc'h promeut la culture bretonne par le biais des arts populaires, basés sur huit champs d'action : la danse, le costume, la scène, la rue, la jeunesse, la formation, la musique et l'édition. Elle compte aujourd'hui 180 associations bretonnes (dont 30 hors de Bretagne), qui œuvrent dans les domaines de la danse bretonne et du chant choral en langue bretonne. (Wikipédia).

The most famous dancer’s group of Brittany created in Quimper in 1948 and which has already toured in North America (U.S.A ., Canada and Mexico), in Asia (India and South Korea) and of course through all Europe.
The group (we call a breton group «cercle celtique» in french. Approx. «Celtic Circle») is the member founder of Kendalc' h (*), and won at thirteen occasions the championship of this dance confederatrion, what makes it the most titled of whole Brittany.

(*) Kendalc' h (in Breton, literally "preservation" or «continuity»), is a confederacy of «Celtic circles» constituted at the end of 1950 in Quimper. Kendalc'h promotes the Breton culture by means of the popular arts, based on eight radiuses of action: the dance, the costume, the stage, the street, the youth, the training, the music and the publishing. They are 180 Breton associations today (among which 30 outside Brittany. (From Wikipedia).

Canon EOS 30D
1/250s f/8.0 at 110.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ron LaCroix10-Sep-2018 07:35
The eye contact makes this more personal. Caught at the right instant!
Ceya15-Apr-2016 20:11
I really like this shot! Excellent capture, great mood! V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)26-Sep-2015 21:25
Well composed image,V
Jeff Real15-Sep-2015 23:11
I love seeing all these great details and wonderful colors ~V~
Ton T.16-Aug-2015 11:35
Fascinating image! Great job Danad! V+
Zoltán Balogh15-Aug-2015 14:35
Marvellous and joyful group photograph! V
Dan Greenberg14-Aug-2015 11:44
The touch of diffusion around the edges gives the image a marvelous artistic look. Perfect timing to capture the activity. ~BV~
MarcViskens12-Aug-2015 16:00
très jolie composition
bien fait Danad
Ika Zinka Eferl12-Aug-2015 14:25
Nicely captured and presented!V+
Tom LeRoy12-Aug-2015 10:28
A image full of energy and excitement. Beautiful photograph! V
XiaoBernard9912-Aug-2015 09:21
TRès réussi.Et la présentation va bien avec.
Le pantalon des hommes fait cosaque!
Allan Jay11-Aug-2015 22:32
Marvellous action and excitement captured here, Danad!
Stephanie11-Aug-2015 21:26
Wonderful capture of these gorgeous dancers! I hope to see them next year! V
larose forest photos11-Aug-2015 20:03
Such a great sense of movement in this fabulous shot. Thank you for the explanation too. V
Patrick Goossens11-Aug-2015 19:27
Splendid composition.
Helen Betts11-Aug-2015 17:57
Such a lively and lovely image! The women of course look beautiful, but I really enjoy seeing men in their traditional clothing, too. V.
Tom Munson11-Aug-2015 16:58
Beautiful image, love the costumes.
Walter Otto Koenig11-Aug-2015 16:38
Wonderful photograph of these dancers in these costumes. Wonderful expressions. "V"
Colin Storey11-Aug-2015 16:15
Great image with all the traditional costumes. v
bill friedlander11-Aug-2015 16:10
They all look so happy, and look great in their splendid costumes. V
marie-jose wolff11-Aug-2015 15:53
un vrai plaisir pour les yeux, ces danseurs dans leurs somptueux costumes! V
Shmuel Halevi11-Aug-2015 14:44
Outstanding event and capture.
hamery11-Aug-2015 14:15
Happy and merry ; Cheerful great image, Danad. BV
Neil Marcus11-Aug-2015 13:57
Alove of tradition exemplified by the elaborate costumes and participation. "V"
Gerard Koehl11-Aug-2015 13:27
Ces danseurs sont superbes. V
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