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Helen Betts | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sahraa, the Kuwaiti Desert Dog > Scratch, not shake hands!
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Scratch, not shake hands!

The last picture of Sahraa in this recent series. If I don’t post it now, I’ll forget I have it, and I thought it was cute. She always does this when she wants you to scratch her chest, but of course strangers think she wants to shake hands, resulting in confusion on both parts.

New door in Old Diriyah, posted earlier:

Sony Cyber-shot RX1
1/200s f/5.6 at 35.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
MarcViskens13-Apr-2016 21:45
Very pretty Helen
Alexander Kazakov11-Oct-2015 17:10
Lovely! V
Zoltán Balogh15-Aug-2015 14:19
How cute! V
Carol Rollins15-Aug-2015 13:35
A really sweet shot of Sahraa!
Dave Petersen Photography12-Aug-2015 18:23
A wonderful capture of this very special dog. Looks like someone is training Sahraa. Voted
janescottcumming11-Aug-2015 23:54
So cute! V
pkocinski11-Aug-2015 12:11
Still sticking her tongue out at you :-)
Julie Oldfield11-Aug-2015 02:48
Very sweet!
Buz Kiefer10-Aug-2015 23:32
Jim Coffman09-Aug-2015 17:32
Oh,how very sweet!!!
Gerard Koehl09-Aug-2015 16:48
Excellent. V
LynnH09-Aug-2015 16:44
Awwww, that's so sweet!
Long Bach Nguyen09-Aug-2015 16:33
great shot