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Siggi Geirs | all galleries >> 2nd_day_of_christmas >> The 2nd day of Christmas 2013 > The old Garšskagi lighthouse
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26-DEC-2013 Siggi Geirs

The old Garšskagi lighthouse


The old lighthouse at Garšskagi was built in 1897. It was made of concrete, four sided which narrows to the top and is 11,4 meters high. The light itself was in a house made of iron but that has now been removed and is in the lighthouse Sśgandiseyarviti near to Stykkishólmur.

In the old days there used to be a guardhouse attached to it made of wood, but today it has been removed and another one made of concrete has been built in it“s place. The lighthouse was taken out of service in 1944 when the new lighthouse had been built.

Nikon D7000
1/125s f/5.6 at 32.0mm iso400 full exif

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