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Meet Cassie

This is Cassie, a rescue dog belonging to a friend from work.
She's very camera shy so I was pleased to get a shot of her before
she realised what I was doing.

Olympus OM-D E-M5
1/60s f/2.8 at 17.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
pkocinski22-Dec-2014 11:48
She looks a little cautious curled up in the chair. Hope she becomes more comfortable in the future.
LynnH21-Dec-2014 16:49
What a beautiful dog. So glad to see her rescued. Wonderful portrait. V
Terry Sprague21-Dec-2014 15:54
Very sweet, I hope she settles in well. V
Stephanie21-Dec-2014 12:48
Cassie is a beautiful girl! I see that she's making herself at home! V
Neal Nye21-Dec-2014 11:55
After what she's been through, she certainly deserves her own chair!
Yvonne21-Dec-2014 10:53
She's probably found the most comfy chair there.. but you can see by her eyes
she's not completely relaxed yet. Lovely shot...
Helen Betts21-Dec-2014 07:08
Aww, what a cutie, and I know that fear of cameras very well. Great that you were able to get this capture of her!
Carl Carbone21-Dec-2014 04:07
Nice portrait of this pretty girl. Hopefully she will learn to relax in her new home.
laine21-Dec-2014 03:25
She has a great chair and a good home...what more could a girl ask for :)
Walter Otto Koenig20-Dec-2014 23:25
She certainly looks wary. Nice portrait of her in the red chair.
Alan K20-Dec-2014 22:11
Ah, rescue dog. That helps explain the expression. On the other hand Lilly sometimes looks anxious when I photograph her.
Regardless of what her previous life was it looks like she's scored herself a nice place now.
Sticking with the pancake lens on the new camera for now, I see!
larose forest photos20-Dec-2014 22:09
She is adorable! She does look a tad anxious about the camera,though. I really like the chair she is in, it suits her black colour well.V
globalgadabout20-Dec-2014 21:37
well caught in the sunlight...she has an anxious look about her...perhaps her life has taken a turn for the better now though
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