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I met Pedro when I went to the pet shop to stock up on some supplies before Christmas.
He was staying there on his holidays, as was a white rabbit.

Olympus OM-D E-M5
1/20s f/4.0 at 17.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Alan K25-Dec-2014 10:35
I can think of one cat and one little scruffy dog who would NOT like the idea of staying in a pet shop for holidays.
Mind you, the cat might be OK if she was put in the aviary...
Nice, sharp capture of Pedro's face. Just don't let him hear that last comment.
LynnH23-Dec-2014 00:55
tinkerb22-Dec-2014 22:01
Beautiful plumage! He does look comfortable there, but he has his eye on you, nice catch light.
laine22-Dec-2014 21:22
That's going to be a fun Christmas for them :)
Noël22-Dec-2014 20:58
A great shot. A pity you couldn't take him home. v
Neal Nye22-Dec-2014 12:03
Looks like he quickly found a friend! Sweet shot!
Yvonne22-Dec-2014 09:58
What a cutey... lovely shot!
Carl Carbone22-Dec-2014 02:12
Nice capture of this pretty bird.
Stephanie21-Dec-2014 23:22
Pedro is a beautiful bird! This is a great capture of him Margaret! V
Did you happen to photograph the
( )_( )
(")_(")o ??
globalgadabout21-Dec-2014 23:21
he seems to feel comfortable shot..
Helen Betts21-Dec-2014 23:07
Pedro is quite attractive, and you have captured him beautifully. Love where he's perched! V.
larose forest photos21-Dec-2014 22:22
Such vivid colour on this little beauty. V
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