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Dick Osseman | all galleries >> Bursa >> Bursa mosques >> Hüdavendigar Mosque >> Murad I Türbesi > Bursa Hudavendigar Mosque May 2014 7575.jpg
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21-May-2014 Dick Osseman

Bursa Hudavendigar Mosque May 2014 7575.jpg

A notice on site indicates the mausoleum (across the road from the mosque) more or less follows the original plan. It contains the body of Murat I, the sultan who was killed after winning the battle in Serbia at Kosovo. An inscription above the entrance records a restoration in 1741 and another following the earthquake in 1855. It also mentions some metalwork and a kuran sent by Sultan Berkuk are now in the Türk ve Islam Eserleri Müzesi of Bursa.

On the picture: The small mihrab (prayer niche) inside the mausoleum. Its painted decoration has been refreshed recently, but dates from the early-19th century restoration; it is an example of the 19th century late-Ottoman ‘Turkish Baroque’, which was influenced by European Neo-Classicism.

Correspondent: J.M.Criel, Antwerpen.
Source: ‘Vakıf Abideler ve eski Eserler (volume III)’ - Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara 1983 .

Nikon D4
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