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Capital of the Osman Turks before moving on towards eventually Istanbul. Great city at the foot and along the flanks of a fine mountain complex (Uludağ, Big Mountain). Famous for its silk. Now within easy reach from Istanbul (one hour from the main busstation to the Yalova-Istanbul ferry, then if your are in luck straight onto the ferry, and an hour later you are at the Yenikapi jetty in Istanbul). This city is a must.


Osmanlı Türklerinin, İstanbul’dan önceki başkenti. Güzel bir dağın (Uludağ) eteklerine ve yamaçları boyunca kurulmuş, ipeğiyle ünlü harika bir şehir. İstanbul’a ulaşım çok rahat (otogardan Yalova-İstanbul feribotuna bir saatte gidiliyor; şanslıysanız beklemeden feribota biniyorsunuz ve bir saat sonra İstanbul Yenikapı iskelesindesiniz). Bu şehir kesinlikle gerekli.

Türkçe çeviri: Melek Emir. Katkılarından dolayı teşekkür ederim.

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Bursa Archaeological Museum
Bursa Archaeological Museum
Bursa Turkish and Islamic Arts museum
Bursa Turkish and Islamic Arts museum
City museum
City museum
Bursa Karagöz Museum
Bursa Karagöz Museum
Karagöz and Hacivat Monument
Karagöz and Hacivat Monument
Swimming Stones fountains Karagöz again
Swimming Stones fountains Karagöz again
Ulu Cami in Bursa
Ulu Cami in Bursa
Green Mosque - Yeşil Mosque
Green Mosque - Yeşil Mosque
Green Tomb - Yeşil Türbe
Green Tomb - Yeşil Türbe
Hüdavendigar Mosque
Hüdavendigar Mosque
Yıldırım Camii or Yıldırım Bayezid Mosque
Yıldırım Camii or Yıldırım Bayezid Mosque
Gazi Orhan Bey mosque
Gazi Orhan Bey mosque
Emir Sultan Mosque
Emir Sultan Mosque
Bursa small mosques
Bursa small mosques
Muradiye mosque & sultans' tombs
Muradiye mosque & sultans' tombs
Orhan and Osman tombs
Orhan and Osman tombs
Hans and Bazaar
Hans and Bazaar
Zafer Plaza mall
Zafer Plaza mall
Kent Meydan mall
Kent Meydan mall
Bursa forestry museum
Bursa forestry museum
Bursa Ulu or Great Mosque
Bursa Ulu or Great Mosque
Bursa walk in snow
Bursa walk in snow
Bursa bazaar area from far
Bursa bazaar area from far
Bursa winter views
Bursa winter views
Bursa winter views
Bursa winter views
Bursa in snow
Bursa in snow
Bursa in snow
Bursa in snow
Bursa in snow
Bursa in snow
Bursa in snow
Bursa in snow
Bursa in snow
Bursa in snow
Bursa in snow
Bursa in snow
Bursa in winter
Bursa in winter
Bursa 2006 2996.jpg
Bursa 2006 2996.jpg
Bursa on a winter morning
Bursa on a winter morning
Bursa 2006 2945.jpg
Bursa 2006 2945.jpg
Bursa 2006 2946.jpg
Bursa 2006 2946.jpg
Bursa 2006 2947.jpg
Bursa 2006 2947.jpg
Bursa 2006 2950.jpg
Bursa 2006 2950.jpg
Bursa 2006 2951.jpg
Bursa 2006 2951.jpg
Bursa central square
Bursa central square
Bursa central square
Bursa central square
Bursa 93 050.jpg
Bursa 93 050.jpg
Bursa 93 048.jpg
Bursa 93 048.jpg
Bursa fountain in centre
Bursa fountain in centre
Bursa in snow
Bursa in snow
 Bursa teahouse in winter
Bursa teahouse in winter
Bursa in snow
Bursa in snow
Bursa in snow
Bursa in snow
Bursa in winter
Bursa in winter
Bursa 2006 2962.jpg
Bursa 2006 2962.jpg
Bursa 2006 2964.jpg
Bursa 2006 2964.jpg
Bursab Ulu Mosque
Bursab Ulu Mosque
Bursa Ulu Mosque Silk han
Bursa Ulu Mosque Silk han
Bursa along bazars and markets
Bursa along bazars and markets
Bursa along bazars and markets
Bursa along bazars and markets
Bursa along bazars and markets
Bursa along bazars and markets
Bursa 2006 2986b.jpg
Bursa 2006 2986b.jpg
Bursa 2006 2987.jpg
Bursa 2006 2987.jpg
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