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Ulla Inkeri Huhta | all galleries >> Photo A Day or so >> PAD 2013 >> December 2013 > 22/12 A day in Stockholm
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22/12 A day in Stockholm

Mårten Trotzigs Gränd in Gamla Stan, Stockholm.
(Swedish: "Alley of Mårten Trotzig") is an alley in Gamla stan,
the old town of Stockholm, Sweden.
Leading from Västerlånggatan and Järntorget up to Prästgatan and Tyska Stallplan,
the width of its 36 steps tapers down to a mere 90 cm,
making the alley the narrowest street in Stockholm.

I was guiding my nephew and his fiancé in Old Town.
They were on their way from Cyprus to Turku, Finland to celebrate Christmas.
Not very Christmasy weather, but at least it didn´t rain!

The colour of this photo pretty much shows the our Xmas weather...

5878 131222 700 7100.jpg

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MarcViskens25-Dec-2013 17:21
very nice composed
love it
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