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© Rousselziak

Modéle : Lauranne
MUA & Hairstyle : Mile make up artiste

Nikon D3S
1/400s f/2.8 at 31.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
shatterbug22-Nov-2013 08:49
Strong composition!
Paco López19-Nov-2013 17:07
Great! V!
bill friedlander19-Nov-2013 16:32
Wonderful setting for a portrait! The light is beautiful! V
Stephanie19-Nov-2013 13:19
Delightful portrait work Olivier! Love the statue looking down on the beautiful model V
hugo poon19-Nov-2013 12:48
Love your compo and tonality!
alfredo camba jr.19-Nov-2013 09:25
Beautiful portrait! Very nice composition! V
Chris19-Nov-2013 08:24
Something stage left has her attention. Love the clarity.
Milan Vogrin19-Nov-2013 08:03
Nice compo!V!
Helen Betts19-Nov-2013 06:58
A great pose and expression, and I like how they appear to be communicating. V.
ltolksdorf19-Nov-2013 06:21
Very good
SLC_Images19-Nov-2013 06:16
Interesting expression on your model and setting! VT!
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