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© Rousselziak

Modéle : Lauranne
MUA & Hairstyle : Mile make up artiste

Nikon D3S
1/400s f/2.8 at 35.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Long Bach Nguyen23-Nov-2013 18:28
Beautiful and dof
Don Mottershead23-Nov-2013 05:14
Her expression and gait give the impression that something is not quite right with her world. Very intriguing. Wonderfully composed as well. ~V~
Fabienne22-Nov-2013 10:44
Bel équilibre dans la composition. L'arrière-plan est bien présent mais ne pertube pas le regard car le modèle a beaucoup de présence.
Superbe image.
Raymond Ma21-Nov-2013 05:04
Pont Alexandre is a beautiful background for this chic image! V
Stephanie20-Nov-2013 23:43
Beautiful portrait work on this famous bridge! ;) V
pepe_carmona200020-Nov-2013 19:46
Genial!! Fantastico tratamiento, Gran voto
bill friedlander20-Nov-2013 19:29
Excellent portrait! Wonderful tones and lovely surroundings! V
Nestor Derkach20-Nov-2013 17:52
Lauranne is an amazing beautiful model.
Your images surely compliment her beauty.
Helen Betts20-Nov-2013 17:46
Dramatic capture, and I love the gold sky in particular. V.
Paco López20-Nov-2013 16:15
Excellent!! V!
Martin Lamoon20-Nov-2013 14:38
Wonderful portrait, like the processing.
hugo poon20-Nov-2013 12:06
Love that vintage feel! Yes, exceptional choice of tone!
Sheila20-Nov-2013 10:49
Great tones here Olivier.
danad20-Nov-2013 10:28
Un très beau cadrage qui rend hommage à la fois au modèle et à la ville. V.
borisalex20-Nov-2013 09:21
Great location and love the lomo feel! v.
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