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Dave Beedon | all galleries >> Cars >> Toyota Sienna >> Sienna: Floor Mod > Major floor re-design (partial support structure)
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12-JUL-2010 20100712_0435

Major floor re-design (partial support structure)

In 2010 I re-built the support structure for the floor. I eliminated two crosspieces, re-built one up front (and bolted it to the seat anchors, shown above), added 2x6s plates to the rear crosspiece (shown above), and added three lengthwise 2x6 boards (not shown). The result was a slightly higher floor, more storage space under the floor panels, and no reduction in floor stiffness. Overall it was a nice improvement. In addition, I re-built the lid support structure at the very back (shown above) and added cosmetic filler strips to close the gap between that structure and the car’s bottom door frame lip (shown above).

The three lengthwise 2x6s will lie at the sides and in the middle and extend beyond the front crosspiece to support the plywood up front. The front crosspiece is built up in three places accordingly.


Nikon D80
1/50s f/6.3 at 24.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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