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Bill Miller | all galleries >> Photo Diary >> 2013 > Mailbox Art
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221013_1030241 22nd October

Mailbox Art

Madrid, New Mexico

Today we moved base from Albuquerque to Santa Fe, and drove along the Turquoise Trail.
At an old mining town called Madrid (where the film Wild Hogs was filmed), we found this fascinating hippy-arty community.
Even the outdoor cafe had a special menu for your pet dog so it can eat along with you.

Panasonic Lumix GH3
1/2000s f/3.5 at 28.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
sunlightpix10-Nov-2013 00:08
Great color and whimsy - so glad you got to visit this place. V
Jean-Luc Elias30-Oct-2013 21:58
Great shot ! Bv
Rody Graumans27-Oct-2013 19:59
This makes me smile.. great color-catch!
Helen Betts27-Oct-2013 16:22
Well spotted and captured, Bill!
Don Mottershead24-Oct-2013 05:50
Ric Yates23-Oct-2013 19:50
Great colour, well spotted!
Bryan Murahashi23-Oct-2013 03:41
Great and colorful capture. V
Daniel Lamothe23-Oct-2013 02:52
Great shot! Beautiful colors and framing! V
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