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Bill Miller | all galleries >> Photo Diary >> 2013 > The 10,000 Feet View
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211013_1030223 21st October

The 10,000 Feet View


Tiff and I went up the Sandia Mountain tramway which goes to 10,000 feet and gives fantastic views across Albuquerque.

Panasonic Lumix GH3
1/320s f/14.0 at 22.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Range View 10-Nov-2013 00:46
I love the composition, it shows the grandeur of the wonderful view. V
David Sands28-Oct-2013 11:04
I live in the USA, and travel 100 days a year- I have NEVER been to Az…. nor the Grand Canyon. Nor Hover Damn, Nor New York City. Damn- I need to get out more.
Guest 27-Oct-2013 10:40
Fine composition. What a view!
Dougie Young23-Oct-2013 09:11
Great shot Bill, been up there with my Son's..:>
Bryan Murahashi23-Oct-2013 03:41
Great view and capture. I can remember the scary gondola ride to the top. V
Hank Vander Velde23-Oct-2013 01:24
A super image with the girl concentrating on the view below.
bill friedlander22-Oct-2013 18:27
Spectacular view from on high! Must have been a heart pounding experience! V
Ric Yates22-Oct-2013 18:25
Stunning view.
Tom LeRoy22-Oct-2013 16:52
Wow, this is fabulous! She's just right in this excellent frame. V
Brian Collins Art22-Oct-2013 14:11
Spectacular! V
laine22-Oct-2013 13:49
What a grand view from up there...the getting there would be what stopped me :)
Gary Hebert22-Oct-2013 10:33
great view Bill and looks like both of you are having a great time... :-))
John Reynolds LRPS22-Oct-2013 05:04
That view does look impressive. V.
Helen Betts22-Oct-2013 05:04
A great panoramic view, and given a sense of scale with the inclusion of Tiff.
Don Mottershead22-Oct-2013 03:50
The angle of her head makes for a perfect composition. Wonderful image. ~V~
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