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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > February 3
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February 3

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Getty Center, Los Angeles

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/1250s f/8.0 at 24.0mm iso400 (Circular Polarizing Filter) full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Sabine Stetson28-Feb-2013 04:10
aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh.....such lovely image!!! bravo!
Mike 10-Feb-2013 03:34
Brilliant capture with perfect shutter speed... the water droplets look amazing! V++
Marisa Livet07-Feb-2013 17:38
I like the way you captured the arches of droplets...
Guest 05-Feb-2013 14:12
excellent cityscape. V
Frank Brault05-Feb-2013 00:31
A terrific image and point of view. V
Tom LeRoy04-Feb-2013 15:37
A perfect low angle to highlight the watery arches, and the umbrellas, Walter. Excellent symmetrics and fine clarity throughout. V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography04-Feb-2013 15:03
Excellent capture, great composition, Voted.
Guest 04-Feb-2013 14:04
Fantastic work Walter. V
Mike H.04-Feb-2013 09:26
This is great -- I like the stop action on the water drops.
rousselziak04-Feb-2013 08:40
WoW ! Perfect compo ! Excellent work ! -V-
John Reynolds LRPS04-Feb-2013 06:29
Very nicely composed. V.
Carol How04-Feb-2013 06:18
That water just looks almost good enough to drink! Superb composition and light handling! V
globalgadabout04-Feb-2013 06:15
fab freeze of the arching spouts...brilliant POV, depth and clarity...V
Gerard Koehl04-Feb-2013 05:46
Magnifique avec cette perspective. V
joseantonio04-Feb-2013 05:16
Great POV in this composition.v.
Jim Coffman04-Feb-2013 03:21
A excellent composition and very nice image!
Simon Chandler04-Feb-2013 03:04
Beautiful composition for a stunning image. v
Anthony Bunting04-Feb-2013 01:47
Looks like you got wet Walter!
Carol Rollins04-Feb-2013 01:39
Perfection in your composition, light, and water capture! WOW! Outstanding.
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