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Linda A | all galleries >> Galleries >> Linda's Photo Diary for 2003 > Crest(a)fallen
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28th March 2003


This poor old girl is resting in a yard near Brooklands. It broke my heart to see her like this....all my adult life I've wanted a PA Cresta of my own to love and cherish. I'd prefer pink and white, I'd prefer white wall tyres, I'd prefer a three window back model and I'd prefer a bench front seat in white leather or leopardskin. But what the heck, I'd be happy with this old girl really - roadworthy of course! I'd drive her from my garage at the weekend and poodle around in her watching the admiring glances of passers by and the 'what the f*ck's that?' from the youngsters who've no idea about style in a car. I'd wear my kitten heels and no-one could tell me (yes, that means you, David) that I should wear more sensible shoes because you don't have to be sensible in a fabulous OTT Cresta!

Well, I can dream can't I?

There are some wonderful people fighting to keep these cars alive. See my Cresta gallery!

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ray :)08-Mar-2004 21:29
I think I know where this is! Just by the canal bridge? I visited the site a couple of years back and they had several wrecked classic cars. I wonder if they were used by a film company as static 'parked cars' as some were being cosmetically restored only. If have had the expertise to maintain them, and a garage, I would love to own something like this.