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Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography | all galleries >> FEATURED GALLERIES >> SEQUOIA AND KINGS CANYON NATIONAL PARKS > Kings Canyon - Grant Grove
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©2012 By Tomasz Dziubinski

Kings Canyon - Grant Grove

Sequoia & Kings Canyon NP, California view map

You can find my new portfolio website here: TOMASZ DZIUBINSKI PHOTOGRAPHY and FRACTAL ART

Nikon D3S ,Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 2.8/25 ZF
1/250s f/8.0 at 25.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jeff Real06-May-2012 13:34
I love the perspective and the unique processing ~V~
Maciej Chachulski03-May-2012 21:34
Doskonale oddany ogrom drzew. V
Jola Dziubinska01-May-2012 15:11
Fantastic shot with impressive perspective. V.
Daniel Wickwire01-May-2012 11:48
Incredible! You are showing me the US in ways I haven't seen it before. And I live here!!! Daniel.
waterfalls man01-May-2012 09:55
Excellent V!!
Blandine Mangin01-May-2012 07:26
wonderful compo ! v
Aivar Mikko01-May-2012 07:06
These giants look great in B/W!
Antonis Sarantos01-May-2012 06:42
Powerful!!! B&V
malcolm haslam01-May-2012 05:43
Simon Chandler01-May-2012 04:25
Amazing perspective and composition. Great sense of height and place. v
lou_rozensteins01-May-2012 02:45
Excellent composition and presentation. Very well done.
Carl Carbone01-May-2012 02:01
Great shot. I'm jealous of your visit!
Eckhart Derschmidt01-May-2012 01:57
Wow, impressive!
Frank Brault01-May-2012 01:53
Beautiful high key treatment and a terrific perspective. V
Peter Stubley01-May-2012 01:42
Nice composition and tonal range. Well done.
Guest 01-May-2012 01:39
Stunning reach for the sky drama...excellent image
Daniel Binkard01-May-2012 01:35
Nice tones.
Guest 01-May-2012 01:28
Excellent composition and perspective. V.