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Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> MY FAVORITE IMAGES > Hume Lake
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©2012 By Tomasz Dziubinski

Hume Lake

Sequoia and Kings Canyon NP, California

Nikon D3S ,Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 2.8/25 ZF
1/320s f/8.0 at 25.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 10-May-2012 00:42
Nice picture!
laine06-May-2012 09:32
picture postcard...really beautiful V
woody3405-May-2012 22:46
Very beautiful scene..great perspective and wonderful tones.
Jola Dziubinska05-May-2012 22:01
Beautiful view, nice curving shore lines. V.
Jeff Real05-May-2012 15:13
A monochrome masterpiece ~V~
Walter Otto Koenig05-May-2012 14:49
Great composition from this well chosen vantage point. "V"
Graeme05-May-2012 12:27
Very beautiful indeed, Tomasz.BV
Guest 05-May-2012 12:05
A stillness pervades all...lovely
Ann...05-May-2012 12:00
Beautiful scene, great perspective.
René Gysi05-May-2012 11:49
Very beautiful landscape picture. Superb! V