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Don Boyd | all galleries >> People, Family and Friends Photo Galleries >> U. S. Coast Guard and Coast Guard Reserve Friends and Personnel Gallery > March 2012 - my old Coast Guard Reserve buddy Chet Gay and Mexican Air Force B727-200 at Opa-locka Executive Airport
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31-MAR-2012 Don Boyd

March 2012 - my old Coast Guard Reserve buddy Chet Gay and Mexican Air Force B727-200 at Opa-locka Executive Airport

Opa-locka Executive Airport, Florida view map

Chet Gay and I were in the Coast Guard Reserve Aviation Unit at Coast Guard Air Station Miami (behind the B727) in the 1980's and early 90's until they decommissioned the unit in 1994. We used to go to lunch in the 1990's when he worked for Aerolease near MIA and before I retired in 2000. Chet has worked in civilian aircraft maintenance since his six years of service in the Air Force, where he served at Hahn AB in Germany, Patrick AFB (Cocoa Beach, FL) and Moody AFB (Valdosta, GA). He joined our USCG Reserve Aviation Unit in 1988 and did reserve drills with our unit and at the Air Station until he had 21 years for retirement in May 2009. Chet travels the world as an independent aviation maintenance contractor called in for specific jobs or to analyze costs for maintenance projects. He was involved with the Mexican Air Force B727-200 in the background that was departing on a one-hour test flight down to Key West and back.

FujiFilm FinePix S200EXR , Photo #2257

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