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Michel Duval | all galleries >> Galleries >> Un conte musical > L'orchestre de Massy
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L'orchestre de Massy

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Alain Boussac07-Dec-2011 09:45
Très beau moment et superbe gestion de la lumière. V.
Guest 05-Dec-2011 02:37
Perfect colors! ~V
Stephanie04-Dec-2011 22:19
The red cello really stands out! Excellent! V
Guest 04-Dec-2011 22:06
Excellent! V.
Blandine Mangin04-Dec-2011 21:29
belle scène ! v
an nguyen04-Dec-2011 20:31
The red cello just spark so much interest .
marie-jose wolff04-Dec-2011 20:24
le violoncelle rouge attire mon regard! V
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