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Michel Duval | all galleries >> Galleries >> Un conte musical > Nicolas Lormeau, le conteur
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Nicolas Lormeau, le conteur

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bill friedlander23-Feb-2012 00:09
A passionate performance! Perfect exposure for the light and details. An ace capture. V
January Grey25-Jan-2012 02:30
Wonderful lighting and expression. Lovely capture! V~
Dan the Man21-Dec-2011 15:09
Vraiment bien! L'éclairage donne de la profondeur et apporte du sentiment a ce portrait! Bravo!!! V
Lennart Waara18-Dec-2011 16:18
A lovely portrait with great use of sprees light!
Kay10-Dec-2011 09:30
Beautiful capture. The lighting is just amazing. V
gardener06-Dec-2011 17:21
Belle lumière! Peter
Guest 05-Dec-2011 02:36
Perfect! ~V
an nguyen04-Dec-2011 20:31
The light is exquisite .
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