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XiaoBernard99 | all galleries >> CHINA HONK KONG 2011 >> MADE IN HONG KONG 2011 > NORTH POINT Market 5.MIXING
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Sony DSLR-a850 ,Minolta 20mm f/2.8 AF
1/60s f/4.5 at 20.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jeff Real24-May-2012 14:38
An amazing find! ~V~
Fabienne08-Jan-2012 13:50
On trouve de tout dans ce marché!!! c'est bien vu.
Sam_C16-Dec-2011 08:32
Superb shot indeed! V++
Zoltán Balogh10-Dec-2011 15:16
A real food for thought...superb! V
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