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XiaoBernard99 | all galleries >> CHINA HONK KONG 2011 >> MADE IN HONG KONG 2011 > Safety
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Sony DSLR-a850 ,Minolta 20mm f/2.8 AF
1/30s f/4.0 at 20.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Fabienne08-Jan-2012 13:50
Difficile d'aller tout droit :-)
Sam_C14-Dec-2011 07:08
Fantastic colors in this shot, well seen! V++
Zoltán Balogh10-Dec-2011 15:13
Cool, a wonderfully implemented photo! V
Martha Albuquerque09-Dec-2011 22:42
colored and super cool compo...v
rousselziak09-Dec-2011 07:28
Great compo, like color and graphism here ! -V-
Alain Boussac05-Dec-2011 22:07
Excellent : le sujet et les harmonies de couleurs. V.
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