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CIS | all galleries >> ::TRAVELS *Near & Far*:: >> A Maritime's Coastal Road Trip > Forillon Cliff View (1)
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Forillon Cliff View (1)

Gaspe, Quebec

It was quite the hike, took hours and I still wasn't at the top. Though the views along the way were heavenly. The little white spec in the distance is the largest lighthouse in Canada.
Forillon National Park, is located at the outer tip of the Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec and covers 244 km, it also marks the eastern end of the Appalachian mountain chain.
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Cindi Smith28-Oct-2011 01:33
Tis heavenly, indeed! What a gorgeous view. Makes me want to go hang gliding!
peterjay4527-Oct-2011 21:56
This is a most beautiful photo, Carol, what a hike!
marie-jose wolff27-Oct-2011 14:28
walk along this coastal path must be a real pleasure, what a wide view! V
laine26-Oct-2011 22:43
What a view...a magical shot
Guest 26-Oct-2011 12:17
great view and love the blue water, light contrast Cis.
January Grey26-Oct-2011 06:02
Blue blue blue & more blue for as far as the eye can see! Spectacular view, beautifully captured, Carol!! V~
Bonnie Underwood26-Oct-2011 03:46
Oh my, but that is beautiful. The
water is so blue and those cliffs..
Margot W26-Oct-2011 02:38
What beautiful country. I love it that you go out and get these fantastic photos while I just sit and admire them.
s_barbour26-Oct-2011 02:13
Wow Carol, this is magnificent...what a view!