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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot G10

Canon PowerShot G10 Point and Shoot Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 17-Sep-2008
Megapixels: 14.7
Random Canon PowerShot G10 Samples from 36452 available Photos more
g4/20/980520/3/142650832.GyztZgYM.jpg g1/68/747668/3/130135400.3Pz9StwH.jpg g3/34/745534/3/120003197.JXdlZ0N3.jpg g2/86/10286/3/148064549.5jHaCNez.jpg
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Guest 07-Oct-2010 23:11
Thought I would share a quick story about submerging the G10. It still lives!
I took a somewhat hard fall while using waders in our local creek and submerged the camera.
I quickly yanked the battery, and set it in the sun to dry. Extensive condensation was visible on the LCD : ( Took it home and put it in front of my blow dryer (hair) for over an hour. Again lot's of condensation visible on LCD. Left it for several hours in front of blow dryer until no more condensation. Waited until morning to pop in battery & CF card. Voila! Everything works perfectly. Bottom line: pull the battery immediately without powering on the unit!
andy18-Dec-2009 01:57
Same as many folks here. The G10 is a supplement to my 20D and XTI cameras. I wanted something smallish that could fit in my briefcase and also for outdoor pursuits where I've struggled to carry a DSLR. I mountain climb and every year I would carry the DSLR to the base of the route, then have to leave the weight behind. Not this year! I was able to summit Mt. Abbott a high sierra thirteener with the camera.

I agree that quality at ISO 400 and above suffers from noise issues. I suspect most of this can be processed out, when/if I care. Unless I print A4 or larger it doesn't seem to matter much.
Jasen13-May-2009 08:53
Has anyone else noted any hot pixels on images or the LCD screen? I have (had) one red pixel in images which then disappeared...for now...and two small bright areas on the screen. Thinking I ought to take it back under warranty?
Jasen13-May-2009 01:20
The G10 is still going strong. Latest pics really tested it out with the underwater strobe. I did find a hot pixel in some photos, but that seems to have again disappeared, although I cannot explain why. Also, I hardly use my DSLR any more for general day to day photography.
moved to kieboom.net21-Apr-2009 17:38
Being an DSLR guy, overall, the G10 has not disappointed me. The ISO dial and exposure compensation dial are features I wouldn't mind seeing on DSLRs. Disappointments are ISO performance above 200 and barrel distortion at 28mm. I am truly impressed with the G10 servo autofocus (when the moving object is large enough in the picture) and the picture quality at ISO 80/100 in good light. You may as well through away your DSLR when the sun is shining and you don't need a lot of zoom.

The inherently larger depth of field associated with the smaller sensor allows you to take pictures with would be impossible with a DSLR+lens, especially when shutter speed is an issue, for instance with close-ups of flowers moving in the wind. This feature alone makes me hope for similar sized CMOS sensors in the future.

I lost my G10 recently (slipped of my belt), but I bought a new one immediately. for the most recent shots.
Guest 29-Mar-2009 15:26
I brought my 5D and G10 to Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) but could only use the G10 since the 5D's mirror literally fell off.

I never missed my 5D...

Here's the link:
Guest 24-Feb-2009 14:06
Hi everyone I've got it back so watch out ,oh yeah i got a case for it
see ya marc
Jasen12-Feb-2009 16:55
Have had my G10 for about a month now and I am more than happy with it. I bought it primarily to replace my old Olympus mu410 as an underwater camera, with housing of course. There is no choice but for me to use a compact rather than an DSLR for underwater photography due to the huge difference in cost, so I am not expecting the quality to come up to par. I do however find the results pleasing, although I have to date yet to try my underwater strobe with the G10. Yes, the noise is there, and the higher MPs are probably a waste as some quality is sacrificed, but in terms of the step up I have taken it has surpassed my expectations for good quality images of such a large size that I can print or publish in the future if the need arises. The controls and flexibility is great and nicely complements my DSLR, when I don't want to lug the big camera around or have a need to be using special lens setups. Macro on this camera is particularly impressive, just don't expect to get good flash coverage when focussing in really close.
Guest 22-Jan-2009 14:34
After getting my G10 put some time aside to give it the beans ....i drop it and broke the lcd so my tip for it get a case ,on a positive note it will be back soon and i have a new case for it apart from that i took some pics bd(b4 drop) and i find the macro section great pics to come soon .Happy New Year
Nancy Good16-Jan-2009 21:20
Another new G10-er here. I'm sure there will continue to be various arguments pro and con about this little power-horse. All things said, it's simply a fun camera to grab and go. And surprisingly (or not) it's more than possible to get GREAT photos from it. Remember much of what you get is based on what's behind the camera. I've added the teleconverter lens as well and am thrilled with the options it has opened up. I don't profess to be a technical (or artistic) "expert." I simply love to photograph and I always strive to let those photos share what I feel (good or bad) when I'm pressing the button. So, go ahead, take a chance and give it a try. More than likely, you'll be happy you did.
Guest 04-Jan-2009 09:26
sorry, that's
Guest 04-Jan-2009 09:25
This is a wonderful complement to any SLR user. I purposely left my Canon 40D at home and brought the G10 with me on my recent trip to HK. Noise problems - even at ISO 400 - was expected, more so at ISO 1600. But I didn't purchase the G10 thinking it will replace my 40D and 5D.

I love the LCD resolution, very sharp and clear.

Here is my gallery of HK, all taken with the G10

Dave Wixx27-Dec-2008 16:33
I got a G10 for Christmas. Does it have problems? Er.... YES. Noise, barrel distortion etc.
If you're used to a SLR then you will be upset with the results. Make a point of using the manual settings and having fun with the small package. Ignore the imperfections and it's a great fun camera, with excellent controls, and you will no longer have an excuse not to have a camera with you.
Perfect - absolutely not. Fun - absolutely.
There are some examples below, that I intend to add to over time.
J. Scott Coile16-Dec-2008 14:01
I just got mine last week. I have not seen a sunny day yet so mostly shooting in poor light at ISO 400 as JPGs. I can see the noise issue at 400 but easily processed out (I have not had time to test out RAW files since I'm still using PS CS2). I suspect from reviews I've read to be pleased in good light but may have a spoiled eye from 1D MarkII and 40D image files. I'll look back and see what others have to add. Hopefully I'll have some other more valuable feedback soon.
Guest 13-Dec-2008 06:10
Marc, I just received my G 10 today. I am looking forward to your review.
Guest 07-Dec-2008 10:56
Just bought mine 2 days ago, packed away the 5D so let the fun begin
John Farrar26-Nov-2008 01:13
This is exactly how I feel about 'upgrading' from my 2003 4mp Ixus s400 which, incidentally, has been responsible for some of my most enjoyable shots. It will be a sad day when it dies and a very difficult task to pick a replacement pocket camera.
Kind regards, John.
Guest 31-Oct-2008 04:20
As a Canon S50 owner and one who has 'almost' believed all the hype about the G10, it is sad to have to admit the truth, which is that the higher MP sensor in the G10 is just not in the same ballpark as the S50. That huge file created by the G10's sensor is so noisy and totally lacking in quality to qualify as an 'upgrade' from the likes of the S50. It's true...'more pixels = more noise. The increase in interelctrode capacitance is so much more than the electronics in the new digic 4 processing system can handle. Compare a 1 square inch crop of your average G10 shot with a 1 square inch of your average S50 shot...'you'll see the difference, it can't be missed. It's a sad reflection on the state of digital photography at present that we are all slowly being duped into thinking that we need more MPs, and that more MPs is better. How very wrong, on 'both' counts! My S50 is still clicking nicely, and it'll do for a while yet.
Give me quality over quantity any day.

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