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24/05/2010 James Clarke

The Ship Returns

Nagaokakyo, Kyoto-fu, Japan

Quite a while a go now I posted an entry to this PBLOG titled “The Ship”. It was of this apartment block which Ritsuko and I nicked named “Fune Mansion” (since “Fune” (pron. “Fu-ne”, e as in egg, but shorter) is Ship in Japanese, and for some reason apartments are called “Mansion” in Japanese, BTW real Mansions (very rare in Japan) are called “Sanso”).
The first time I noticed this building which is shaped somewhat like a ship, it kind of “appeared” over the top of some small buildings as I approached the area on my bicycle. It kind of reminded me how as I would walk down the streets of Fremantle (the city where I used work in Australia) if there was a passenger ship in port it would appear over the tops of buildings as you neared the port.
This building became a symbol of familiarity and better times after the very hard first three months when we were not earning any income.
So while my first PBLOG on this subject was at the start of my new business ventures in Japan, this photo (taken over a year ago now) was pretty much at the time when the business here started to get very busy. Having at the time recently purchased the 24 f/2.8D lens, I could think of no better subject to test it out properly with than “The Ship”.
Note 22/09/2011: Typhoon Roke has come and gone, we only got the yellow (on the typhoon map) part of the storm here, we weren't in the red zone fortunately. Doesn't appear be any damage around this area. The worst typhoon we've had here in Nagaokakyo so far was the one in 2009.

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor 24mm f/2.8D AF
1/50s f/8 at 24mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
norbi05-Nov-2011 11:36
An unusual building indeed in comparison with a ship in this capture. v.norbi
Zoltán Balogh23-Sep-2011 23:12
Wow,wow,wow...amazing James! Congratulations! V
Simon Chandler23-Sep-2011 16:40
Fantastic capture with a dramatic perspective. Very unique. v
12323-Sep-2011 02:25
Seriously regimented architecture. V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)22-Sep-2011 22:42
Interesting and Creative Work,James! Vote
marko gregoric22-Sep-2011 13:38
Very good shot. V
Raphael_E22-Sep-2011 09:56
Excellent picture, James ! Love it ! BV.
Sam_C22-Sep-2011 07:23
Beautiful shot, so nicely composed, love those cars! BV :)
shatterbug22-Sep-2011 05:42
The repeating lights and shapes make a great pattern...good eye!
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