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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor 24mm f/2.8D AF

Nikkor 24mm f/2.8D AF Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1994
Lens Mount: AF-D
Lens: 24mm f/2.8 ø52
Random Nikkor 24mm f/2.8D AF Samples from 1456 available Photos more
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James Clarke15-Apr-2010 05:34
Anyone got any shots with this lens and an FX camera?
Guest 16-May-2007 21:56
I remember getting some downright incredible shots with this extremely versatile lens when attached to my Nikon N80. When attached to my Nikon D200, the magnification factor causes this lens to act like a 35mm lens so I lost some of the "magic" of the lens. Still, it is a darn fine Nikkor.
Howard Sandler26-Oct-2006 15:07
Nice lens. I have a few samples using it with a D70 at:
Guest 12-Nov-2005 06:55
This lens seems to work especially well with the Nikon D70.
Guest 23-Nov-2004 11:30
In a few words, I love this lens. It is compact, high optical performance and resistant, perhaps of all the lenses I have it is the most used, spetially for social journalism.
Just for beeng a bit tikely, as any grand-angular it has certain distorsion at the eddges all do it is very controled. There is also a slight loose of light in the eddges but it is also a normal problem of this kind of lenses. In any cases, these problems are so slight that perhaps it makes it one of the best lenses of it's kind.

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