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Alexander Kazakov | all galleries >> Galleries >> miscellaneous > PRT_02BR1702.jpg
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Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II
1/400s f/2.8 at 85.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Graeme18-Aug-2018 09:27
A beautiful portrait of you Alex...
sue anne06-Oct-2017 08:02
Great self portrait. V
Buz Kiefer19-Jun-2014 18:57
Excellent portrait, Alexander. Vote.
Guest 31-Jan-2013 03:48
Great portrait!
Nice to see you! \V
Shimon Levkovich18-Dec-2012 08:04
Excellent self portrait, nice to see you. V
Hernan E. Enriquez08-Oct-2012 18:45
Great shot, nice to meet you!!!
Guest 22-Aug-2012 06:29
slhoornstra13-Apr-2012 03:21
Great sp, I am thinking Gary Oldman. V
marko gregoric25-Feb-2012 22:57
Great portrait work. V
s_barbour04-Sep-2011 17:21
Nice to meet you...great self portrait!
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